Alaska Ethnobotany

Ongoing & Recent Projects

Project Jukebox Ethnobotany, Ethnoherbalism, and Traditional Healing

With the help and support of dedicated interviewers, interviewees, transcribers, and staff at the UAF Oral History Collection, the Ethnobotany Program can maintain and steadily expand an oral history collection dedicated to the many ways people in Alaska relate to plants and healing;  Project Jukebox Ethnobotany, Ethnoherbalism, and Traditional Healing. Big thanks to Jennifer Andrulli for laying the foundation of this project!

Illustration from the Project Jukebox website created by Karen Brewster

Alaska Gardens Project

Bringing people and plants closer together – a multi-site collaborative project proposal dedicated to cultivating, promoting, and enjoying plants for Alaska Native peoples’ cuisines by USDA NIFA ANNH co-applicants (‘Drumbeats’) and outside partners. The project serves as a platform for the exchange of information on how to cultivate culturally relevant plants.

Guide to the Ethnobotany of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Region

The UAF Ethnobotany program compiled A Guide to the Ethnobotany of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Region, a documentation of the plant knowledge shared by Elders of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

Page from the manuscript of Ethnobotany of the YK Delta